Auto steering for tractors
SunNav Auto Steering system AG300 can give you high performance autosteering on non steer ready vehicles, including tractors sprayers swathers and combines. It can provide an accuracy up to 2.5cm and can be widely used in planing spraying harvest.
6 product advantages
It can connect to network, support cros network, and support self-built cros base station and radio base station
A variety of functions in one, suitable for a variety of tractors, harvesters, rice transplanters and other equipment
Breakpoint Continue
function makes you no signal worry
No Signal Auto Parking
Safe operation
No modify the front wheels
No need to modify the front wheels
Remote control start & stop
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System Composition
High Quality
The SunNav display is a portable,robust Android tablet. It is provided with a built-in high-precision GNSS board which offers centimeter level accuracy.It also provides RS-232/485, USB 2.0, GPIO, CAN, CVBS signal interface to connect with other equipments, and supports WI-FI, 3G / 4G LTE wireless communication.
Motor wheel
It is an electric motor steering wheel. It is designed for easy-to-install operation. With high-torque, direct-drive electric motor, EMS4 can give an accuracy 2.5cm RTK.
Attitude sensor
Easy to install, it can collect angle data in real time
GNSS Antenna
Double grading antenna can give high precision and heading.